Votoms toy collections
Various releases from the “Votoms rush” of the 2000s that marked the 20th anniversary.
1/87 Scopedog & Brutishdog metal figures
1/87 Red shoulder metal figure
HG Series gashopon miniatures, set 1
HG Series gashopon miniatures, set 2
Sunrise Robot Selection miniatures
Display model miniatures, set 1
Display model miniatures, set 2
1/35 Scopedog action figure with parachute sack
1/35 Scopedog action figure with round mover
1/35 Scopedog Red Shoulder Custom action figure
1/35 Berserga action figure
1/35 Strikedog action figure
1/35 Bloodsucker action figure
Scopedog battle action figure, damage version
KT Figure Collection DX, Scopedog miniatures
KT Figure Collection DX, Brutishdog miniature
KT Figure Collection DX, “downform” miniatures
Diecast “mini metal” Super Robot Archives series
V01 Scopedog
V02 Red Shoulder / V03 Scopedog, Chirico type (training unit)
V04 Scopedog, Konin type / V05 Scopedog, Odon investigation unit
V06 Scopedog, metallic version / V07 Scopedog, desert color
V08 Red Shoulder Custom / V09 Red Shoulder Custom, Kunio Okawara color
V10 Marshydog
V11 Marshydog, Kunio Okawara SP blue / V12 Marshydog, Kunio Okawara SP brown
V14 Scopedog with round mover, Okawara white / V15 Scopedog with round mover, Okawara grey
V16 Brutishdog / V17 Brutishdog, Okawara purple
V18 Brutishdog, Okawara orange
V19 Scopedog with parachute sack / V21 Scopedog with parachute sack, Okawara brown
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