Star Wars: Knight to the King, 1984

In my article on To Hunt a Jedi, I introduced you to my very own Star Wars fanzine, titled Lightspeed. This was my second comic story in the prologue issue, a collaboration with my pal Jim Emelander. A year before, we co-wrote The Hitchhiker’s Guide Companion, and now we were trudging our way through Lucasland.

When I met Jim, I don’t think he was ever planning to write and draw Star Wars comics, but he was definitely a fan, and he probably couldn’t help but catch the bug after hanging out with me long enough. I was self-publishing a ‘zine and he had a story idea for it, so this is what we did.

It’s another tale that would lead into my New Empire saga, specifically introducing a new ally by the name of Harok. His resemblance to an anime space pirate named Harlock is purely non-coincidental.

This entry was posted in Kids Comics

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