Vifam home video releases

See all releases for Vifam 13 here Variety of Vifam Vol. 1 & 2 (VHS) October and December 1984 Variety of Vifam Vol. 1: A Letter from Kachua (LD) After returning to Earth, Rodey and his eleven friends become known as heroes. The children’s daily lives are constantly under the...

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Vifam Music

See all releases for Vifam 13 here Music Collection LP Vol. 1 Hear it on Youtube here Music Collection LP Vol. 2 Hear both Music Collections back to back on Youtube here Drama album LP (TV series story, part 1) Music Collection Extra Edition LP Music & Drama LP set:...

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Vifam Books

Though most books published for the series have the same basic content (characters, mecha, and story guide), there is a huge variety of formats and other features. Almost all of them have unique artwork, much of it created by the animation team at Studio Live. Everything is out of print,...

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MECHA Chapter 5

Since this chapter underwent a revision due to the early shutdown of the series, part of it had to be discarded. Those pages are shown below; this move squeezed out some character development and pushed some details into the next chapter. Back to main article

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