Chaser Platoon design gallery 3

Conceptual sketches for cover art This one made it to the “finalist” category for the first issue’s cover, so I built it up. Penciled version, July 1990 Steve Krueger’s painted version, 1990. I’m pretty sure it was rejected because the color style didn’t match the publishing standards. “Finalist” for the...

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Votoms Bibliography, Part 3

The publications in this set represent a lot of dedicated digging, a lot of lucky discoveries, and a lot of patience. Some took years to track down while others just fell into my lap when I took the right turn on the right day. For each one, I have to...

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Takara box art, 1983-84

Unless otherwise credited, all art is by Rokuro Shiratori Masanori Onoue Masanori Onoue Shin Ueda Masanori Onoue Shin Ueda Shin Ueda, 1997 Shin Ueda, 1997 Artist unknown Artist unknown Bonus By Rokuro Shiratori for Dual Magazine Masanori Onoue Garage kit released by Lark Back to the Hub

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1985 side story by Ryosuke Takahashi

An amazing book was published in 1985 by the makers of the fan-run anime magazine OUT. It was titled Votoms Odyssey, and it dramatically expanded the world beyond the scope of anime. It coincided with the release of The Last Red Shoulder, which was the first OAV to expand on...

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V hub 2 temp

I’ve been extraordinarily lucky in my various exploits, capers, thrills and spills as an anime fan. I found my top two favorites early on and made them a part of my life in ways few others did. Those two favorites are Space Battleship Yamato and Armored Trooper Votoms. In both...

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Votoms Complete Media Index

The setting for Votoms is the Astragius Galaxy, torn in half by a Hundred Years War between two interstellar factions, Gilgamesh and Balarant. The primary weapon in this war is the Armored Trooper, a 4-meter tall human-driven robot that can serve practically any battlefield scenario. VOTOMS is an anagram for...

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Ryosuke Takahashi interview, 1997

Ryosuke Takahashi started as a writer and made his way up the anime production ladder as one of the few directors who couldn’t draw, but was very adept at storytelling. He added “series creator” to his resume with Fang of the Sun Dougram in 1981 and continued with Votoms, Galient,...

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