God’s Child Chapters 36-40

Chapter 36

See the original post here

“Salty, come in here now!” Vanilla barked into the intercom.

Saltio came in as fast as his voice could carry him. And then, “You!” he exclaimed.

Rochina smiled, a gentle smile for him. “It’s been a long time.”

He did not rise, but held his arms out loosely toward Saltio from the sleeves of his black robe.

Grabbing his arms, Saltio shouted, “It has been a long time! What brings you to Gulphee?”

Rochina looked back at Vanilla with a wry smile. “Ask your father.”

Vanilla snorted lightly. “Looks like you two get along pretty well.”

Saltio wondered for a moment which side of the sofa to sit on, then settled down next to Vanilla.

“Saltio, apparently you know a lot about the planet Glasseus,” Vanilla began

Saltio’s expression clouded slightly.

“You don’t have to hide it. I know you’ve done plenty of business with Glasseus. I don’t blame you. But it’s the Vanilla Company’s policy not to deal in weapons of any kind.”

“I don’t deal in weapons or ammunition.”

“Polymer ringer solution is bad enough.”

“The polymer on that planet is unstable and accidents happen all the time. There are constant casualties among the soldiers!”

“Well, that’s all right. I didn’t bring you here to complain about that. Actually, planet Glasseus…”

“That planet is gone.” Rochina stated flatly. “It doesn’t exist in the universe anymore.”

“A lost planet, hahahaha! You don’t expect me to believe that, let alone the rest of the world.”

Vanilla glared sharply at Saltio. “As Rochina says, choose a snake to follow a snake. Salty, you’ve done plenty of business behind my back, you must know where Glasseus is.”

Saltio held his tongue.

“I’m not asking you now about your business with Glasseus. All I’m asking is whether we can go there or not.”

“Not even the military cares about Glasseus…” Saltio deflected. Vanilla didn’t buy it.

“He says it’s lost. We merchants aren’t so naive. I hate to say it, but you’re the most like me. You know that.”

“No, I’m sure it will be in business again sooner or later.”

“The planet’s surrounded by dangerous things,” Rochina interrupted. “I don’t know why, but all communication was suddenly cut off. It’s been cut off from everything. Military ships were lost one after another after searching the area.”

“What’s the danger?”

“Cylindrical floating objects as massive as our ships.”

“Cylindrical floating objects? Hahaha!” Reading Vanilla’s dark expression, Saltio stopped laughing. “Do you know something about that, father?”

“Yes, from a long time ago. When we were…spirited away.”

Rochina nodded at Vanilla again. “You’re probably right.”

“What is this? Both of you knock it off and talk sense to me!”

“Salty, get the ship ready for immediate departure.”

“Ready the ship?”

“We’re going to Glasseus.”

Saltio finally dropped the act. “It’s dangerous on that planet! There are some really bad guys down there.”

“Like who?”

Saltio’s question was answered by Rochina. “It’s Chirico. Chirico Cuvie.”

“Chirico Cuvie! The one who had a run-in with Black Lightning here?”

“And the Child is with him.”


“The Child of God. Wiseman’s successor.”


Vanilla sprang up from his seat. “Are you going or not, Salty? It’s your call.”

“I guess I have a penchant for danger like my parents. I can fly anywhere in the galaxy in half a day.”

“Good enough.”

After seeing Saltio off, Vanilla sat down on the sofa again.

“By the way, Rochina, how did those two end up on that planet?”

“I’d like to know that, too. They went out of their way to the planet hidden by God. It must mean something. I want to know what it is.”

The air was almost frozen in doubt and contemplation, but then a voice shook the room.

“What kind’a trick is this?”


Gotho stood in the doorway.

“Look who’s here! This isn’t one of your regular customers! Coconna!”

Coconna entered and they both sat down on the sofa on either side of Rochina.

Rochina looked to his right and then to his left and muttered, “You two are getting old.”

“Look who’s talking,” Coconna sniped back, “the one who comes in here dressed like that!”

“That’s right,” Gotho laughed. “You can’t hide the depth of your karma by dressing like a monk!”

“Hahahaha, whether you become a grandpa or a grandma, you two are still as strong as ever.”



Vanilla restrained them.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down, you two.”

“How am I supposed to stay calm?” Gotho answered. “Vanilla, you’re the most good-natured person in the Astragius galaxy. He, on the other hand, is the darkest.”

“He’s here to con you,” Coconna shrieked. “I can’t just sit back and watch this as your wife!”

“He’s not here for anything like that.”

“Well, I’m sure of it.”

“There’s no doubt that I’m most good-natured person in the galaxy, and he’s the most black-hearted, but this time our interests are aligned.”

“You have a common interest?”

“What kind?”

Vanilla’s and Rochina’s voices overlapped as they both answered.

“We’re going to see Chirico.”

Chapter 37

See the original post here


The astonished voices of Gotho and Coconna overlapped.

“I’m not surprised that you’re surprised,” Vanilla began. His subsequent explanation was met with, “You’re not gonna leave us here, are you?”

By this time, the Vanilla Trading Company spanned across the Astragius galaxy. The company creed was, “Dedicated to business.” But the desire for excitement was still at the root of the company’s founding. Like biking without a helmet.

Half a day after Rochina showed up, Saltio returned with enthusiasm.

“Dad, we can take the ship out any time.”

“Mmmm, this is a nice catalyst, isn’t it, Captain?” Colonel Garalyan said, slurping down a glass of Ganaha in the company of Captain Jumolan. He reached for the bottle again without skipping a beat.

“It’s only been two weeks since they brought the Child here. In just another two weeks, this planet will be a boiling crucible. Just think about it.”


They were in the office of Colonel Garalyan, a dictator with many self-imposed titles, including Chairman of the National Revolutionary Leadership Council of the Nation of Tavtablay Nipni.

“A catalyst is something that causes a chemical reaction in whatever is around it.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Glasseus has always been a peaceful and untroubled planet. During the Hundred Years War, Gilgameth and Balarant both vied for influence, but the planet remained stable in the face of conflicts and anger. This nation and its neighbors didn’t so much as raise a fist against each other, despite calling themselves separate kingdoms. In my opinion, it was the very definition of stagnation.”

“But your excellency has driven a wedge between them.”

“In full disclosure, it’s entirely because of my ambition and selfishness. I want to be in power.”

“As do I. That’s why I came to this nation. Ambition doesn’t grow out of stability.”

“Hmph!” Colonel Garalyan snorted. “It’s fine to have a nation, but without power, I don’t have the strength to take action on my own. It’s stability and stagnation whether we like it or not. All I can do is sit back in this little chair.”

“You’re not satisfied with that?”

“If those who have no power try to do something on their own, they’re doomed to destruction. You are well aware of that. That’s what brought you to me.”

“Which brings us to this moment.”

“Yes, that’s right. This may be a good opportunity for something, even if all we do is push the Child of God to pledge allegiance to our flag. I never imagined such a thing could come to pass, but now…”

“A chemical reaction has occurred…”

“The planet has begun to boil. The rougher it gets, the more you and I will have to deal with it. Isn’t that right, Captain?”

“As you say.”

“On top of that, there’s was that lightning strike on the mountain. I can’t help but think it’s a sign of things to come, Captain.”

“I understand the details. Leave it to me.”

The heels of Captain Jumolan’s polished boots clicked together.

Elsewhere lay the Divine Kingdom of Van Valarasa. In a secluded room of the royal palace, the three men who ruled the nation were huddled together: the Heavenly King Darmderam Golkin Gyuptabtoten the Third, the Holy Pope Dralen Nipnip XIII, and Prime Minister Pulurucul Pulsan.

The room was opulent, but had no official atmosphere to it. Instead, it was like a secret salon; heavy, dark, and fishy, like the inside of a devil’s body.

“I was surprised that Mettalia would be stolen by Galaryan.”

“I underestimated Jumolan.”

“I should have taken that upstart’s head.”

Their exchange of words carried none of the pretense of a king, pope, or minister. It was little more than a pack of scavengers with a shared interest.

“But still, is it a coincidence that lightning would strike Brozan Hill like that?”

In response to the king’s question, the prime minister said, “It cannot be a coincidence that such an inscription was carved at the same time Mettalia appeared.” He shook his head.

“But then, what is the meaning of that inscription?” the Prime Minister asked the Pope.

The Pope opened his hands and shrugged his shoulders as if he was at a loss. “That’s my specialty, but I don’t know what God is saying.”

“Well, here is the Pope, the servant of God,” the king laughed.

The prime minister agreed and sighed.

What inscription were they talking about?

Brozan Hill was a conical mountain with a circumference of about two kilometers, made of exposed granite, located on a plateau in the central northern hemisphere of the planet Glasseus. Lightning had struck near the top of this mountain a few days before, carving a string of letters that looked like ancient text.

“It’s a problem because it’s that mountain.”

“That’s right.”

“It’s Brozan Hill, so we can’t disregard it.”

The mountain in question straddled the borders of five different countries, a triangular pyramid of rock that looked as if it were plucked by a giant. The faces of heroes of the five nations were carved into the rock, in honor of their past achievements in resolving power struggles. In other words, it was a sacred place. This holy site had been struck by lightning, which carved an inscription.

It had been preceded by the advent of Mettalia the transcendent, a supernatural event with no explanation. It sparked rumors, raised suspicions, and stirred anxiety.

God is trying to say something…

God is looking for something…

To common people, the supernatural was both terrifying and unsettling, But it also stirred hope. The average person was subject to scarcity and oppression. For them, it was a call for transformational change.

But to the vested interests it was, God’s will must not be pre-empted by others!

To the ambitious it was, Now is the time to take power in the world with God on our side!

“Whatever God may be saying, we cannot let other nations get ahead of us.”

“Mettalia is already in the hands of those infidels.”

“That’s why the effective control of Brozan Hill is of paramount importance.”

The three men all had the same intention. And that was what the rulers of the other countries were thinking as well.

Chapter 38

See the original post here

What did the sudden appearance of the inscription on Brozan Hill mean? The implications were, of course, significant. But the inscription itself was only the beginning. Anyone who could understand it, take control of it, and monopolize it could proclaim, “I’ve received God’s will!”

This was the logic of all the rulers across the five nations. The Tavtablay Nipni Nation fervently sought God’s support because its power base depended solely on the violent charisma of Colonel Garalyan, a military man. This was a place that desperately need the support of a divine will.

The political power of Van Valarasa’s Divine Kingdom derived from receiving the will of God through its state religion, but a long period of hereditary rule had left the nation’s prestige stagnant and rusted. They needed a renewal of God’s support.

“Mettalia, we need your help.”

Captain Jumolan visited the child’s room. He did not refer to him as “Lu” or “Child.”

“What do you want from me?”

The Captain got right to the point, stressing the importance of the inscription on Brozan Hill.

“If it was only about the effective control of Brozan Hill, it might be possible for me to do it as a soldier. But that doesn’t even meet half of the goal. We must know what the inscription means to know the will of God. That is most important, the highest priority. Therefore, we need the power of Mettalia.”

“Do you think I have that power?”

The Captain’s face fell at Child’s words.

“Hahahaha, actually I’d like to know that, too.”

The Captain continued with a smile on his face.

“I confess that I, Eseslaze Jumolan, have no secrets or mysteries. But I do have something to hide. There are a few things that I don’t want to tell others, that I don’t want them to know. However, there is something I’m aware of, neither a mystery nor a secret.”

“To be specific, who my father is, who my mother is, the date of my birth, and my approximate abilities. My family history goes back several generations. My name is Eseslaze Jumolan, a word that means to be loyal to the name Jumolan. By the way, Jumolan is the name of a bird, a mountain bird. Hehehe. My true identity is known to everyone. It’s ordinary.”

There was still a faint smile on the Captain’s face.

“But then there’s you. Who and what are you? Child is your code name, Lu is your nickname, Mettalia is a proclaimed name. But on the other hand, Gilgameth and Balarant say you may be the heir of the god who rules the Astragius galaxy.”

Lu did not reply.

“My guess, and the guess of others, is that you yourself do not know. In other words, you want to know who you are and what you should do. That’s what I most want to know myself.”

“You seem to know everything, Captain. So, what should I do?”

“Excellent! I have no doubts about my decision.”

The Captain nodded his head in satisfaction with a smile on his face.

“You will be given a company of armored grenadiers to use as you wish.”

“Armored Grenadiers? You mean an A.T. unit?”

“I’m told you’re perfectly capable of controlling an A.T.”

“That’s because of the simulator.”

“The real thing is no different. Especially for you. Of course, I will accompany you on the mission, but I’m not familiar with handling an A.T.”

The face of Chirico, who had said, “Don’t ride on it again,” flashed through the Child’s mind.

“What model?”


“A dog type. I want to see the actual machine.”

The temptation of a real A.T. pushed Chirico’s words aside. Captain Jumolan showed him to the hangar where it was located.

“What about this armor?”

The front of the body was covered by heavy reinforced armor.

“It is specially designed for suppressing armed demonstrations. The nation is unstable, after all.”


The Child noticed that there was no indication of unit or military status on the machine.

“Hahaha, you noticed? This mission is not an official one,” the Captain confessed. “Brozan Hill is the symbolic site of a non-aggression pact between the five nations, so officially the military cannot maneuver there. It’s a secret operation. If it becomes a problem, we’ll claim it is the work of a few radicals and eradicate anything that resembles them.”

It would be a bit of a stretch to make such a claim, but the Child was unconcerned about that.

“I see.”

There was also movement in the armored division of the Van Valarasa Divine Kingdom.

“Rose of the Twin Swords, it’s finally your turn.”

The person kneeling before Prime Minister Pulurucul Pulsan was about 16 or 17 years old. Her supple body, which still retained the appearance of a young girl, was clad in the minimum amount of cloth considered necessary. She was equipped with functions that connected her to an A.T. at key points.

“The objective of the operation is to gain effective control of Brozan Hill. Above all…”

“Securing the inscription in the center of the Hill.”

The girl’s eyes flashed with a sense of mission.

“That’s right. But let me be clear. This operation is not authorized by the Divine Kingdom of Van Valarasa. Brozan Hill is a symbol of the inviolability of the five surrounding nations. If the military were to be mobilized as part of the national will, it would turn the other four nations into our enemies. However, we cannot just sit on our hands and watch. Mettalia is in the hands of Tavtablay Nipni. If the will of God is biased in favor of that nation, it will become a source of mayhem.”

“Leave it to me. My Berserga and I are here for that purpose.”

With these words, the girl stood up and moved the helmet she’d been holding under one arm over her head.

“The reliable Rose of the Twin Swords!”

The girl boarded her beloved machine under the watchful eye of the Prime Minister. This girl, known as the Rose of Twin Swords, was a Quent mercenary.

Her civilization, whose historical origins were difficult to trace, had condensed and stagnated over the ages. Before long, its main industry became dependent on mercenaries. Young and old, men and women alike. They drove their custom A.T.s, generally known as Bersergas, in search of conflict on other planets. They had many skills.

Her favorite machine was the ATH-Q88 Berserga double sword. The name came from huge blades on both arms. She was accompanied by ten carefully selected pilots from the Imperial Guard Armored Division of the Divine Kingdom. They used the BATM-03-GS Fatty made by Balarant, an A.T. dedicated land combat.

Chapter 39

See the original post here

“Why did the child go out with an A.T.?”

“What’s engraved in that inscription?”

“Will there be a real battle?”

The group assembled in Captain Dromzen Pasdard’s room was full of questions. They were still under house arrest in the palace, but each had been given a private room. There were no restrictions against access to each other’s rooms.

“Chirico, do you know anything?”

Major Kromzender’s question drew all eyes to Chirico, who shook his head silently.

“Nothing to say?”

“No,” Chirico answered curtly.

Major Kromzender turned the question to Bob. “Anything from you, professor?”

“I’ve got nothing, but…” Bob tapped his round forehead with his palm and said confidently, “isn’t that the answer to everyone’s question?”

Major Kromzender took a step toward the professor with strength that could be interpreted as a question. “Our question is the answer? What do you mean by that?”

Bob stroked his forehead. “It means…as I see it, Lu became interested in A.T.s through the Battling at Higneus and the simulator on board the ship. But…” He broke off and looked at Chirico. “Chirico told him not to get into one. That’s right, isn’t it, Chirico?”

Chirico did not respond. Bob turned his attention back to the group and continued.

“Lu’s understanding of the A.T. was incomplete, so he remained interested. And then the inscription appeared. Suddenly, words were supernaturally carved into the rock face as undecipherable archaic text, rumored to be the word of God. Lu was invited to this planet as the successor of God. As a child, it would be impossible for him not to have an interest in that.”

Bob looked around the room, patting his round forehead. “We aren’t the only ones who want to know the answer. The fate of every nation is at stake.”

This brought them all back to reality. It was obvious that there were cameras and microphones everywhere, not just in this room.

The professor looked around and winked at an imaginary camera somewhere. “Colonel, the bottle of Ganaha you gave me is empty. Can I have another?”

Around Brozan Hill, different armies were secretly deployed along the borders. However, none of them showed any movement in accordance with their agreement. Here on Glasseus, there had been no wars for three centuries. Even the Hundred Years War, which split the Astragius Galaxy in two, had not produced any significant conflicts.

Of course, they had been divided by the interference of Gilgameth and Balarant, but that was for the convenience of both sides, and did not develop into local conflict.

In other words, Glasseus had slept peacefully for three hundred years. Brozan Hill commemorated the heroes who ended the tragedies of long ago. On the rock face of the hill, facing each nation, the carved busts of these heroes cast a benevolent gaze toward their respective homelands. Brozan Hill was a symbol of peace and harmony.

“Hahaha, isn’t it ironic that all it takes is a flick of God’s finger at the top of this hill, and here we are!”

Colonel Polompten, the commander of the garrison, laughed loudly as Rose of the Twin Swords arrived at his position.

“Isn’t it normal for a god to wish for peace for all people? If so, it can’t be helped if people don’t realize that He’s looking to start some trouble.”

The Rose was silent as she knelt down on one knee.

“Stand up. I can’t even talk to you if you’re so far behind the times.”

She stood up and the Colonel pointed to a chair at the briefing table in the tent.


She obeyed him and found two soldiers already seated in front of her.

“My second-in-command, Lieutenant Uzimir, and my senior officer, Sergeant Major Tawawang.”

The Rose of the Twin Swords gave them a cautious glance and a nod.

“I’ve already briefed them about you. The position of the regular army is to maintain the status quo and protect our current interests. Therefore, we cannot move our troops unless there’s a serious problem. It’s probably the same for other nations as well. Speaking as a military man, I was born in a very boring time. You are, as I must say, a hired hand. You don’t belong to our nation, not even in name…”

Colonel Polompten broke off and pointed his thumb backward.

“I want you to plant a flag on the top of that hill. Roughly speaking, that’s what His Excellency Pulsan wants.”

She nodded again silently.

“Very well! The route to the hilltop has already been plotted. You can ask them for details.”

Colonel Polompten said nothing more, took out a bottle of liquor from a bag hanging nearby, and flicked off the cap.

At that same time, Captain Jumolan’s group arrived at their camp. The Captain entered the temporary command post with the Child and announced his intentions without so much as a greeting.

“As you may have already heard, we are a top-secret entity. Therefore, I cannot divulge any details. I would like to know the operational route to the hilltop.”

His commanding tone demonstrated his confidence that he was the person closest to power.

Thus, Brozan Hill, once a symbol of peace and harmony in the region, became a battlefield over a triangular pyramid engraved with ancient text that had appeared with a flick of God’s finger.

Chapter 40

See the original post here

Civilian transit spaceports were scattered throughout the Astragius galaxy. Normally, vessels without the hyperdrive engines of large warships used these ports to jump to other regions of space. The Vanilla Company’s vessels were powerful enough to operate in normal space, but had no choice but to use transfer ports to extend their range of operations to far-flung areas.

“Once we leave here, the planet Glasseus will be right in front of us,” Saltio told Rochina.

“Salty, that’s a very familiar expression. You’ve been coming here for a long time, haven’t you?” Vanilla chided Saltio, but he did not reply,

“Mr. Jean-Paul please take your seat. We’ll be jumping shortly. It’s quite a shock.”

As soon as Rochina had taken his seat, the ship launched from the transfer port into the northern edge of the Trokhov sector, where Glasseus was located. As soon as the ship stabilized, a floater belt could be seen stretching out ahead.

“Salty, this is where you show off your skills,” Vanilla said.

“Leave it to me, I’m not about to let down my parents.”

Saltio’s skill became evident as he slipped through the floater belt without a hitch. He analyzed incoming information after going into orbit around the planet.

“We’re here,” Rochina said. “We’ll descend to the Tavtablay Nipni Nation.”

“What’s on your mind, Rochina?”

Rochina’s answer to Vanilla’s question was brief and clear. “The word that stands out in the information is ‘Mettalia.’ When you translate it into Astradan, it usually means ‘transcendent.’ The child is probably called Mettalia on this planet. And the Mettalia is now in Tavtablay Nipni.”

“I see,” Vanilla nodded, and Rochina continued.

“The appearance of this Mettalia is shaking a world that seems to have been asleep for hundreds of years. It smells very fishy. And speaking of fish…”

“Chirico! I see, so that’s what it is. Salty, did you hear that? We’re heading down to Tavtablay Nipni.”


“Hahaha, if you keep talking to your old man, your language will get weird too.”

Saltio pointed the ship toward where he knew the spaceport of Tavtablay Nipni to be.

Meanwhile, Brozan Hill was suffering from an atmosphere so foul that it seemed to suffocate any living creature. A.T.s swarmed over it like a giant lathe that could cut through any metal, calling for destruction. Armor-piercing bullets flew back and forth, piercing through their iron armor and splattering each other’s entrails with explosions. The objective of the operation was simple for both armies: “Secure the hilltop inscription.”

In this game, there was no offense or defense for each team, no ball to follow, only a set goal to reach. Each team aimed for the goal by crushing and tearing the other to pieces. Only one figure remained outside the frenzy of fighting.

“Mettalia, why don’t you fight?” Captain Jumolan’s voice echoed in his helmet. “Why not go for the hilltop?”

“I’m playing a game of ken,” replied the child.

The company led by the child had stopped in the middle of their route.

“Ken? What is ken?”

“Ken is what I saw Chirico do.”

There was not a trace of excitement in the child’s voice as he answered. He remembered Chirico’s behavior at the Battling site.

“You’ve given me the enemy’s data,” he said. “The performance of each army’s A.T., the power of their firearms, and so on are all included. But there are many uncertainties. Among them, we don’t know the power of each army’s ace. I’ll ken some more.”

Captain Jumolan was puzzled by such gambling parlor terminology as ‘ken.’ “But please don’t fall behind,” he reminded himself. (My tomorrow is at stake.) Jumolan had already spent what little money he had in his pocket to buy this ticket. There was no turning back.

A heavy class A.T. Standing Tortoise, which looked particularly impressive in the frame of Jumolan’s binoculars, stopped moving for a moment, bloated quickly, and disappeared in a flash of light.

“He’s been hit!”

It was the ace of the Imperial Guard of the Grand Duchy of Branzin, which boasted a similar military as his own nation. What next appeared through the black smoke could only be called his remains.

“There it is!”

It was the “Carnivorous Turtle,” an ace of the Special Land Forces from the Emirate of Ghattar, a neighbor of the Grand Duchy of Branzin. As the name implied, the machine was a heavyweight Standing Turtle.

“Well, this one is a sight to behold!”

Moreover, the Turtle’s path was blocked by “Red Scorpion,” the ace of the Protectorate of Jacomere, the southern neighbor of his nation. It was a modified dog-type A.T. equipped with a special gun on its backpack.

“The ace is ready for battle!”

In the binoculars of Captain Jumolan, the two fighters were slowly closing the gap between them.

“Mettalia, are you watching?” Captain Jumolan called out.

“I’m looking forward to it,” the Child replied in a somber voice. “From the looks of it, both sides exhausted their firearms and have no time to reload. Hand to hand combat is the flower of A.T. warfare.”

To Be Continued

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