God’s Child Chapters 41-45

Chapter 41 See the original post here “Go!” Unprompted by Captain Jumolan’s voice, the two machines came together with a thunderous roller sound. Their guns shattered as they clashed in mid-air. Both men threw down the steel remnants that had served their purpose. “So fast!” Captain Jumolan said as the...

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2000AD Progs 901-1000

As the “Galaxy’s Greatest Comic” approached the rarified air of 1,000 issues (how often does any publication reach a number like that?), it reached another type of milestone altogether when the Judge Dredd feature film was released on June 30, 1995. Its arrival was marked (in prog 950) by a...

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Judge Dredd comics, American style

When Judge Dredd led the charge across the ocean in 1983, few of us had a clue how deep and heavy the impact would be. As more 2000AD material caught fire, American readers and publishers alike took notice of how smart and progressive British comics had become. Eager to increase...

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Dual Magazine No. 12

Blue Knight Berserga Story diorama: Blood Fight Pile bunker! I pulled the lever with all the energy I had in my body. Pierce! My anger, Sha Bak’s anger, and the pile bunker, which Ronny had risked her life to protect, pierced his machine from the lower right side. (See the...

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God’s Child Chapters 36-40

Chapter 36 See the original post here “Salty, come in here now!” Vanilla barked into the intercom. Saltio came in as fast as his voice could carry him. And then, “You!” he exclaimed. Rochina smiled, a gentle smile for him. “It’s been a long time.” He did not rise, but...

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2000AD Progs 801-900

I wish I had more good things to say about this stretch. Judge Dredd reliably headlined every prog, and Rogue Trooper, Nemesis, Zenith, Robo Hunter, Bad Company, and Strontium Dogs popped in and out. Even Slaine came back for a romp. But as the cover price rose from 60p to...

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Cousins of 2000AD: Warrior & Toxic!

You know a comic has become an institution when it clears the path for similar comics to thrive in a space that didn’t previously exist. That’s what 2000AD accomplished when it experimented with a weekly SF/adventure format in 1977 and quickly found its audience. Through steadily growing sales and spinoffs,...

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Dual Magazine No. 11

The red, boiling lava called to the wind. The smell of sulfur hit my nose. Fire Cask, the horrific lava death match. After killing two enemies, my Berserga was suddenly hit by heavy machine gun fire. Berserga lost his balance and fellonto his back. However, at that moment, Berserga’s monitor...

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Firearm issue 4

Just about every comic book artist on Earth hits the wall at some point; circumstances beyond your control swoop in to throw you off your game and make it impossible to hit your monthly deadline. I don’t know exactly what circumstances struck penciler Cully Hamner on this issue of Firearm,...

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The Solution inked pages

The Solution was one of the Ultraverse team books, written by James D. Hudnall and drawn by a variety of pencilers. I was the letterer on the series, and the penciler who impressed me most was John Statema. I hadn’t seen his work before, and I haven’t seen it since,...

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God’s Child Chapters 31-35

Chapter 31 See the original post here “Anyone else have an opinion?” Captain Pasdard looked around at everyone. There were no opinions or objections. “Then, the day after tomorrow, we’ll load up what we need and return to the mother ship.” The flight from the landing site on the Gonneau...

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Dual Magazine No. 10

The Blue Knight I ascended the ring to avenge the death of a comrade-in-arms. If I could defeat the enemy in front of me, I could find a clue to the rumored Black A.T. Using my Berserga’s secret weapon, the pipe charger, I stopped him dead in his tracks. As...

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2000AD merch and more

Aside from the various specials, annuals, and inserts, 2000AD spinoff merch took a while to show up. But once the floodgates were opened, they never closed. I kept on it for a while, but at some point I lost track. These days, the Rebellion website is the place to go...

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2000AD Progs 701-800

Over this stretch of progs, the cover price rose from 45p to 60p (quite a jump from 8p in 1977) and the interior finally made it to full colour [color] as of #723. Supposedly this was motivated by a contemporary color comic title Toxic, created by 2000AD expats. The immediate...

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Modern garage kit catalog, Part 4

RC Berg through Unknown Makers 1/24 Scopedog Type-21C, RC Berg (see more photos here and visit RC Berg’s website here) 1/24 Scopedog 2A DX set, RC Berg (see more photos here) 1/20 Heavy Machine Gun, RC Berg (see more weapon kits here) 1/20 Pentatrooper, RC Berg 1/20 Hand Rocket Launcher,...

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Modern garage kit catalog, Part 3

Ocelot through Rampage 1/24 Berserga WP (Phantom Arc version), Ocelot 1/20 Straight Tortoise, Ocelot 1/20 Muscle Beetle, Ocelot 1/24 Dangerous Brim, Ocelot 1/24 Erdspinne, Ocelot 1/24 Fighting Box, Ocelot 1/24 Squid, Ocelot 1/24 Debora Special (game AT) modification parts, Ocelot 1/24 Berserga, Ogimachi Comet Empire 1/24 Zwerg, Ogimachi Comet Empire...

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God’s Child Chapters 26-30

Chapter 26 See the original post here For the next few days, the transport cruiser carrying the child silently moved through the Astragius Galaxy’s Trockhov sector. Voyaging through the starry seas tended to be a tedious venture. There were no waves, no wind, and nothing to do but drift through...

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Dual Magazine No. 9

The dark history of the Astragius galaxy, in the shadow of an alien being that spans 3,000 years. One man, Chirico Cuvie, was chosen as the successor of this entity, which claims to be a god that controls war. What is the path chosen by Chirico, “The man who killed...

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Macross books & magazines

Caveat: this is nowhere NEAR a complete collection of Macross print media. And it’s probably also less than half of everything out there. I never felt the urge to be a completist on this front. But I did find the stuff that appears to occupy the top of the pyramid,...

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