Judge Dredd, The Megazine Volume 2 (part 2)
Picking up where we left off, here is the second half for Volume 2 of the biweekly Megazine. As Dredd’s world continued to expand with stories set in other nations, classic Judge Dredd artist Mick McMahon came back for a star turn. Just as this volume came to an end, there was a star turn of another kind when the 1995 Dredd movie arrived in cinemas. It got heavy photo-coverage at the conclusion of Volume 2 and flipped the ignition switch for Volume 3.
Bill Clinton became the latest US President to encounter Judge Dredd (in issue 72), which isn’t as weird as it sounds; Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan had both made previous appearances in 2000AD, along with contemporary British heads of state. These comics always provided equal-opportunity satire.
Mick McMahon returns